How much do 360 surveys cost?

The cost of 360 surveys can vary depending on the size and scope of the assessment but typically range from $100-$500 per employee.Our cost, at STAR360feedback, is very affordable when compared to our competitors and always includes full-service at no additional fee. 360 feedback assessments are an investment that pays off by leveraging 360 feedback data to improve organizational culture and performance, companies can save money in the form of increased productivity and decreased employee turnover rates.

Some survey organizations charge extra for things like minimums, setup, hosting, support, and other fees. Make sure you get a clear quote before signing with any company. Also, keep in mind that complex reports may require the help of a certified debriefer to explain the results – which could easily double or triple the cost.

At STAR360feedback, we believe in simple pricing with no surprises. Our surveys are very affordable. And thanks to our proprietary 'self-debriefing' report methodology, you won't need an expert debriefer – meaning even more savings for you! If you are working with a coach already, our reports can enhance the coaching experience.

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