360 Feedback: A Deep Dive into Leadership Self-awareness and Growth

In today's corporate landscape, organizations recognize the importance of specific competencies in their leaders' success. They utilize a practical 360 feedback tool to break down these competencies into observable behaviors and skills, with each behavior or skill associated with a question.

This powerful tool allows leaders to self-assess their proficiency in each skill. Additionally, the leader's manager, peers, and direct reports contribute their assessments of the leader's skills.

The collected feedback is meticulously analyzed to determine the level of agreement regarding the leader's strengths and areas for development.

Furthermore, the self-assessments by the leader are compared to the assessments made by their manager, peers, and direct reports to pinpoint areas that fall into two categories:

         Hidden Strengths: These are areas where others rate the leader significantly higher than the leader rates themselves.

         Blind Spots: These are areas where the leader rates themselves markedly higher than how others rate them.

When implemented effectively, a 360 feedback process significantly boosts a leader's self-awareness. It equips them with the confidence, clarity, and a well-defined roadmap for improvement. This growth journey can ultimately lead to a more effective and accomplished leadership.

Call (801) 489-1211 for more information or request a demo here


Who Typically Provides Feedback In A 360 Feedback Survey?


Harnessing 360 Feedback: A Catalyst for Leadership and Organizational Growth