How STAR Enhances Your 360 Feedback Questionnaire

STAR has decades of experience helping organizations design 360˚ assessments perfectly tailored to their goals. Survey review process includes:

1.     7 point question quality check

2.    Competency/question map/remap

3.    Focus/tone check

4.    Internal validity check

5.    Internal testing

6.    Test links for client review/final approval

We’re happy to create versions of the survey that retain the core concepts and competencies of the parent survey and adjust the question items to be role and level appropriate.

STAR has an extensive question back you can use to build a survey. We also have templates that serve as a starting point and a suite of ready-to-go surveys includes the Core Leadership 360˚, the Interpersonal Success Inventory, the EQ 360˚, the Values-based Leader 360˚, and Team Performance 360˚

For more information, call (801) 489-1211, or click here for a demo!


Choosing the Right Rater Nomination Method for 360 Surveys


Setting the Stage: How to Prepare Your Team for 360 Feedback